Aliya is a virtual assistant chatbot that helps to make your shopping experience better by suggesting interesting and exclusive deals and also the best time to visit the store in person.


Social distancing became a new normal post COVID, bringing up machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and real-world together opened up new possibilities. Aliya being a virtual assistant will help store managers and customers by guiding the best time to visit and avoid overcrowding. Cameras installed at the roof level will monitor the current queue lines at different points like entrance, billing counter, and aisle area. Machine learning plays a huge role in analyzing current and past data and provide the best possible results for hassle-free shopping and store maintenance.


Logo Options

Rapid Prototyping

First Draft

Wireframe Option 1

Second Draft

Wireframe Option 2

Final Design

Wireframe Option 3


User Experience Design can be wrung based on timelines and type of project. If it's a POC that needs to be demonstrated to the customer or client, rapid prototyping and quick validation with cross-functional stakeholders will be the best bet for the initial phase.